lunes, 18 de junio de 2012

Brains on fire lesson 3

Lesson 3

Movements Have Inspirational Leadership

     Success comes when you give power to those who have the potential to influence others. In order to start a movement we need to find leaders, those might not be the coolest or the giants in the industry, It’s the everyday people we’ve seen become influencers.
     All it takes is one person to start a movement. That’s right, one person but that one person has to be committed. They have to not care what others think, and they have enough fervor that they can do their own thing.
     Most of the time we overlook quiet leaders but Quiet leaders let their actions speak louder than anyone’s words ever could. People watch them intently, and they don’t really know why. There is strength in their silence, and they choose their actions deliberately. Quiet leaders leave ego by the wayside, they elevate those around them instead of elevating themselves. They are loyal and true.
So don’t forget the silent leaders, they could very well be the key to your success.
Diversity of leaders is important it creates inspiration.

1 comentario:

  1. Muy buen resumen Paula, pero por favor trata en lo adelante de redactar solo en español.

    Profesionalmente te exigirán calidad en tu propio idioma, y tengo que aportar mi granito de arena en formarte al respecto.
